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2019 Grande Winter Ball

When: January 26th, 2019


Time: TBD


Where: The Ohio Statehouse Atrium


Sign Up: TBD


What: The Grade Winter Ball is a Civil War era (Victorian Era) style ball put on every year by the Ohio Light Artillery, Battery A Civil War re-enactors group. All are welcome but reservations must be made as space is limited. You will learn dances ranging from the Waltz to the reel. For students, a donation of five dollars to the Battery A can be made for entry either at the door or prior to the event. Any questions, contact Katherine, Keith or Kevin.

Common Questions

Q: Do I need any previous dance experience?


A: NO. Previous dance experience is not necessary, only thing necessary is your ability to walk. There is a caller at the dance who calls all of the steps and explains them. Also our meeting before the ball will go over any difficult aspects, so do not worry.


Q: Do I need to be a registered Civil War Re-enactor in order to go?


A: NO. Registration within Birney's Division, The Army of the Ohio or any other reenating group is not nessecary to attend the event.



Q: Do I need Civil War era attire in order to attend?


A: The short answer is no, Civil War era attire is not necessary to attend, however it is  encouraged. Do not feel pressured into buying a uniform or a dress. If you do feel so inclined that you wish to by a uniform, the link below is for a cheap solider re-enactor's starter kit. As a tip of advise for ladies whom are looking for a cheap, historically accurate dress, I will tell you now that they don't exist. They all cost about $160 or more, not including the hoop and undergarments. However, if you do wish to buy one, I have included links for them as well. If you are looking to borrow a dress or uniform, please contact Katherine or Keith, we might have some extras available. No guarantee. Contact Katherine with any dress or gown questions.


Budget-Line Men's Union Uniform:


Women's Clothing (Work/Casual):


Women's Ball Gowns:



Q: (ladies) I'm looking to become a Civil War Re-enactor, should I purchase a ball gown or a work dress?


A: Personally, I would advise getting a work dress. If you plan on becoming a re-enactor. A good work dress will serve you better and be worn much more often than a ball gown. Plus, a good work dress or skirt and blouse can work as ball clothing if dressed up right.


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