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2018-2019 Vice President

Katherine Sarkel

Notices from the Vice President:

None at this time

Vice President Sarkel

Katherine Sarkel is currently a junior at Davidson. She plays tennis and cello in the orchestra here, and has always had a passion for history. She has been Civil War re-enactor since she was 9, but has had a fascination with history long before then. She strives to share her passion of history with everyone she meets, which is one of the reasons her and Keith decided to start this club.

Vice President Position

The Vice President of the club is to be appointed by the President as stated in Article III, Section I. The Vice President of the club helps the President run and plan meetings, as well as fill in for any empty officer positions. The Vice President is the next in line to become president in the event of the President’s removal or resignation.

(Article III, Section V of the American History Club Constitution).


Contact the Vice President

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